Thursday, October 20, 2005


Re: Stop Destructive Dragging at Home and on the High Seas

The Right Honourable Paul Martin, P.M.
House of Commons
Wellington Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0A6

Dear Prime Minister:

I am writing to urge you to put your strong words into action and stop the rape of the world's oceans.

It has come to my attention that Canada has a historic opportunity to take leadership at the United Nations and support a moratorium on high seas dragging this November. On both the east and west coast of Canada, there is increasing evidence of the destruction of sensitive ecosystems by dragging, which is in great need of your attention.

The worldwide scientific evidence that dragging is by far the most destructive fishing method can no longer be ignored by the Canadian government. With this in mind I ask you to acknowledge dragging as the most destructive fishing method, and take urgent concrete measures to restrict dragging activities both at home and on the high seas. Specifically,
  1. Support the U.N. General Assembly resolution calling for a moratorium on high seas trawling.
  2. Protect sensitive ecosystems from dragging and effect a transition to more sustainable gear types within Canadian waters.
This issue requires your leadership both at the United Nations, and within our domestic waters. I ask you to move from words to action.

[your name and address]

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