[N.B. I do not subscribe to state sponsored tokenistic multiculturalism. Nevertheless...]
Dear Editor,
I was disappointed to find “Multiculturalism’s war on education” by Elan Journo in your paper. It is appalling to express such a mixture of unbridled racism, bigotry, xenophobia, and sexism. These are not characteristics typical of the Cape Breton Post.
“Western culture,” as expressed by Journo, is not culture. The monocultural economic entity is a predator of society and culture. Those of us in the shadow of the monoculture all have unique histories, languages, origins, music, etc. We do not share a homogenous culture. Furthermore, human societies are similar to other parts of the ecosystem, where diversity is essential for stability and survival, particularly during times of crisis.
Journo misuses the word “they,” painting whole cities, civilizations, and religions with a broad brush: equating scholars with slave traders, etc. These people were different individuals, who shared nothing in common besides the time of their mortal existence.
Journo subscribes to the tired defense of monocultural agriculture, which purports that American-style monoculture yields more than Indian-style traditional polyculture. That argument is blatantly untrue (and if you want sources, by all means contact me). Furthermore, it is based upon the untrue premise that the world needs a greater volume of food. However, the farmers of the world produce far more than enough food for everybody. Unfortunately, food is made unavailable to people by the enactment of unfair economic policies.
American-based globalized capitalist imperialism, i.e., the monoculture, is destroying the planet and extinguishing species at a rate not seen since the extinction of the dinosaurs.It is wonderful and necessary for children to be educated with respect to diversity and inclusion. People in Canada should retain the effort to be tolerant, and place value in the respect and appreciation of other people’s cultures.
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